Prof Hawkins ile sunduğumuz bu akredite eğitimi başarı ile bitiren katılımcılarımız:
Dr Riza Kadilar, Hande Bahar Zengingönül, Souzan Bachir, Belkis Kazmirci, Mehmet Altıoklar, Sedef Köni, Dilek Yıldırım, Bayram Ünal, Yüsra Soyak, Evrim Cabbaroğlu, Leyla Spencer Ciloğlu, Zeynep Balcı, Eser Pak, Gamze Acar Bayraktaroğlu
“SUPERVISION in Coaching” by Prof Peter Hawkins
Değerli üyelerimiz ve konuklarımız,
EMCC Türkiye olarak ELU (European Leadership University * ) iş birliği ile mesleğimizin duayenlerinden Prof. Peter Hawkins’i EMCC akredite supervizyon eğitiminin ile modülü için 17-19 Subat tarihlerinde konuk ediyor olacağız. (Detaylar aşağıda)
EMCC kurallarına göre supervizyon koçluk mesleğinin icrası ve gelişimi için mutlaka olması gereken bir uygulama. Ülkemizde de mesleği icra eden meslektaşlarımıza bu şekilde bir süpervizyon egitimi açarak destek olmayı hedefliyoruz. EMCC tarafindan uygun bulunan supervizörleri yetiştirmeyi hedefleyen programımızı “Seven Eye’d Model” yaklaşımının da yaratıcısı Prof. Peter Hawkings ile yapıyor olmanın mutluluğunu yaşıyoruz.
EMCC uygulamaları doğrultusunda ülkemizdeki ilk akredite süpervizörlerimizi yetiştirmeyi amaçlayan bu programımıza göstereceğiniz ilgi için şimdiden çok teşekkür ederiz. Full akreditasyonu tamamlayıp ileride bu eğitimi bizimle vermeyi taahhüt eden katılımcılar için uygulanacak özel indirimli ücret hakkında da bizimle irtibata geçip bilgi edinebilirsiniz.
Supervizyon üzerine:
Koçlukta süpervizyon yaklaşımı , insanla çalıştığımız için ‘ kim olduğumuz ve nasıl bir diyalog sürdürdüğümüzün’ de sonuçları etkilediğini kabul eder. Koçluk becerilerimizi değil koçluk yaparken kim olduğumuzu bilmemiz, çalıştığımız kişiye, sürece yaptığımız aktarımlar ve karşı-aktarımlar gibi konularda farkındalık taşımamız açısından çok önemli bir destektir. EMCC üyeleri için zorunlu tutulmaktadır.
Süpervizyon almak yaptığımız işin etik sınırlarını kontrol ederek, sunduğumuz hizmetin kalitesini güvence altına alarak bizi, müşterimizi ve mesleğimizi korur; yaptığımız koçluklar hakkında düşünmek, zorluklar ve kör noktalarımızı daha iyi anlamak, öğrendiğimizi ve duygularımızı paylaşmak ve daha bir çok paylaşım için güvenilir bir ortam sağlar. / Dilek Yıldırım, EMCC Türkiye Supervizyon Çalışma Grubu Lideri…
SUPERVISION in Coaching / Prof Peter Hawkins
17 – 19 February 2016
Fee: 1500 GBP (for ELU and EMCC members 1250 GBP – to be paid before 15 January / for more discounts available please see below ** )
About the workshop:
Coaches, coach training institutes and commissioners of coaches now recognise supervision as an important component of an effective coaching process. Various surveys identified coach supervision as one of the top issues for coaches and a necessary requirement for any coach wanting to operate within the Public or Corporate arenas. In addition the introduction of EMCC European Individual Accreditation (EIA) award has increased the demand for trained supervisors across the UK and Europe putting Coach Supervision training at the forefront of development needs for experienced Coaches. Initially borrowed from psychotherapeutic models of supervision but now with contributions from various academics like Prof Peter Hawkins, coach supervision has a methodology firmly underpinned by organisational and psychological theory.
The Supervision Foundation course is a 3-day workshop and is the starting point for experienced coaches, mentors and consultants who want to develop a greater understanding and capability of supervision. This course can be taken as part of the EMCC approved Certificate in Coaching Supervision run by Bath Consultancy Group or as a stand-alone course.
The course will also introduce participants to both the CLEAR supervision model and the 7-eyed process model of supervision developed by Professor Peter Hawkins. The aim of the module is to introduce participants to all the major models used in the Coaching Supervision Certificate Programme. It enables participants to practice using these models in a controlled and supportive environment and start their practice journey as a supervisor.
You can listen to Peter on “Why Coaching Supervision” at
The training will be in English.
About Prof Peter Hawkins:
Peter Hawkins, is Professor of Leadership at Henley Business School and founder and emeritus Chairman of Bath Consultancy Group. He is a leading consultant, writer and researcher in leadership and leadership development and an international thought leader in executive coaching, team coaching and coaching supervision.
Over the last 30 years he has worked with many leading companies all over the world, co-designing and facilitating major change and organisational transformation projects and coaching company boards and leadership teams. He has helped a number of senior executive teams develop their vision, values and strategy for the future, both in commercial companies, public sector, higher education and large professional service organisations.
He has been the leading developer globally of Coaching Supervision and now teaches Coaching Supervision and Team Coaching in several parts of the world, including leading the Bath Consultancy Group international programme in Coaching Supervision and co-leading with John Leary Joyce the joint Association of Executive Coaches (AoEC) & Bath Consultancy Group programme in Systemic Team Coaching.
Peter is Lead Author of the world’s bestselling book on Supervision: Supervision in the Helping Professions (First edition 1989, 4th ed, 2012, translated into over 7 different languages).
He is also the author of several best-selling books including Leadership Team Coaching in Practice (Kogan Page October 2014); Leadership Team Coaching (Kogan Page; 2011 2nd ed, 2014); Coaching, Mentoring and Organizational Consultancy: Supervision, Skills and Development (with Nick Smith, McGraw-Hill/Open University Press, 2nd ed, 2013); Creating a Coaching Culture, (McGraw Hill, 2012); and The Wise Fool’s Guide to Leadership (O Books, 2005).
He is visiting professor in Leadership and Change at the University of Bath, School of Management and in Executive Coaching at Oxford Brookes University School of Management. He is Chairman of Connect Assist and on the Board of a number of small companies and charitable trusts.
He is married with three grown up children and five grandchildren, as well as having a range of animals and gardens to look after on his 37 acres on the edge of Bath.
* The European Leadership University is a leading higher education institution trend setting the future of education while helping to shape its evolution and revolution through a disruptive and innovation approach to learning aiming at closing the corporate-academic skill gap. ELU provides its students relevant and industry leading education and placements while providing its corporate partners a recruitment solution for fit for purpose graduates.
** More discounts are available for those commiting to become a trainer of this module after completing their full accreditation process please see at