EMCC Workshops with JULIE HAY
Supervision in Coaching | 30 – 31 Ekim 2014
Psychology of Coaching | 1 – 2 Kasım 2014
Julie Hay bizlerle….
Değerli üyelerimiz ve konuklarımız,
EMCC olarak mesleğimizin ilerlemesi için çok önem verdiğimiz iki konuda EMCC’nin kurucularından, kitapları ile mesleğin gelişimine büyük katkıları olmuş değerli dostumuz Julie Hay liderliğinde eğitim programları sunuyor olacağız…
Her iki eğitim için de katılım 20 kişi ile sınırlıdır. Göstereceğiniz ilgi için şimdiden teşekkürlerimizi sunarız…
Not: Geçtiğimiz hafta David Clutterbuck ile gerçekleştirdiğimiz toplantımıza gösterdiğiniz yüksek ilgi için çok teşekkür ederiz. Katılımcılarla David’in sunumunu paylaşıyor olacağız. Mentorluk konusunda çalışmalarımıza hızla devam ediyoruz… Bu çalışma grubunda yer almak isteyen üyelerimiz bize ulaşabilirler…
Yer: | BUMED, Istanbul |
Tarih: | 30-31 Ekim 2014 / Supervision in Coaching 1 – 2 Kasım 2014 / Psychology in Coaching |
Saat: | 09.30 – 17.00 |
About Julie Hay and her workshops: Professor Julie Hay, author of Reflective Practice and Supervision for Coaches (Open University Press) is internationally accredited as a Teaching & Supervising Transactional Analyst (Organisational & Educational), a Certified Transactional Analyst (Psychotherapy), and an internationally Licensed NLP Trainer. She has over 40 years’ experience as an employee, trade union representative, manager and trainer, and has run her own international consultancy business since 1986. She has recently qualified as a psychotherapist, where she has specialised in working with inmates in high security male prisons. Professor Hay also leads a faculty that provides an international programme leading to various qualifications in transactional analysis, including postgraduate options and an MSc accredited by a UK university. She is the author of numerous articles and books on subjects including assessment and development centres, coaching and mentoring, supervision neuro-linguistic programming and transactional analysis. She is also the Editor of the International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research. She was one of the original 5 founders of the European Mentoring & Coaching Council, where she also became the first President of the pan-European Board; she has recently accepted an honorary position on the Governing Body of EMCC UK. Professor Hay leads a program internationally for teaching transactional analysis to children, parents and teachers. She is a Fellow of the (UK) Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development and a Chartered Manager in the UK Chartered Management Institute. She is noted for her ability to take complex theoretical constructs about pathology and convert them so they are easy to understand and apply, and have a focus on healthy development.
About the workshops: Psychology of Coaching This workshop will focus on psychological approaches to coaching and how these can help us understand better the needs of the client, the dynamics of the client in their context, and the dynamics between coach and client. The workshop will be very practical, with opportunities to apply the theoretical models to your own coaching practice. It will draw on theories from neuroscience, attachment theory, transactional analysis and neuro-linguistic programming. We will begin by considering the nature, purpose and philosophy of coaching – what are we intending to do as coaches, how can we position our practice, and what are the psychological implications around a profession whose clients often need ‘permission’ to change. We will then look at the dynamics of coaching, with particular attention to understanding what may lead to ineffective coaching, such as transference and ruptures in the relationship – and how dealing with the psychological level of contracting can be a potent way of enhancing our process. Next will be less session on developing awareness, for us and often the client, of the impact of the client’s past on their present situation, drawing on ideas from attachment theory and neuroscience combined with concepts of life script and narrative. The final session will include a newly developed model (by the presenter) that can be shared with clients as a structure for helping them understand how their current situation is being impacted upon by patterns learned many years ago – and, most importantly, how they can use techniques from neuro-linguistic programming in order to create new patterns for the future. Supervision in Coaching This workshop is intended for supervisors and coaches – for those already engaged in and those wishing to begin supervising coaches, and for coaches who wish to understand more about the process of supervision so that they can contribute actively to their own learning. The content for the workshop will be drawn from several sources, including various therapeutic approaches, so it will be equally relevant for supervisors of counsellors and therapists, and indeed for counsellors and therapists who also wish to know more about the process of supervision. Much of the content will be drawn from transactional analysis, where robust international processes of accreditation of supervisors based on evidence of competence have existed for many years. A typical TA supervisor will have spent an average of 6 years attaining their practitioner certification, followed by another six years qualifying as a supervisor. The workshop will begin with contracting with participants, intended to give them the opportunity of influencing the final agenda so that the workshop will be as directly relevant to them as possible. There will be opportunities for applying the theoretical concepts to participants own examples, for peer review and discussion, and for interaction with the presenter. Topics to be covered include: What is supervision? – the relevance of considering it as super-vision with a hyphen, to emphasise that it is about helping supervisees to take a meta-perspective of their practice rather than the supervisor watching over them; the functions of the supervisor and how to balance the normative, formative and supportive aspects. Why have supervision? – the psychological processes that lead human beings to overlook the obvious and how a supervisor can best prompt supervisees to become more aware of their internal processes as well as the dynamics with clients. Some ideas on how to do supervision – how to set up supervision contracts that lead to increased autonomy for the supervisee; frameworks for tracking the process of the supervision; models for taking into account the context of the supervisee and the client. |