EMCC Toplantilari | 13 Haziran 2011
“An integrated Coaching for Leadership Development programme at Sabanci Group”
Hizla gelisen kocluk ve mentorluk mesleki calismalarinda son gelismeleri takip etmek, Turkiye’deki yerel calismalari zenginlestirmek ve cok yonlu bakis acisi kazandirmak icin bu konudaki birikimlerin paylasilacagi bir platform olusturmak amaciyla EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council) Turkiye olarak sizleri aramizda gormekten mutluluk duyacagiz.
Yesim Ozlale Sabanci Holding, HR Manager | |
Tim Bright OneWorld Consulting, Managing Partner |
Dr. Riza Kadilar, EMCC Turkiye Yonetim Kurulu Baskani |
Sunum sonrasi yapilacak atolye calismasi ile konuklarimizin daha aktif katilimi saglanacaktir.
*Sunumlar Turkce ve Ingilizce yapilacaktir
Panelistler Hakkinda
Yesim Ozlale has been HR Manager at Sabanci Holding since 2007. She leads the talent management processes for the Group including attraction, development and retention of talent. Her main responsibility is executive development. She is an ODTÜ Psychology graduate with a masters degree in Clinical Psychology from the same university.
Tim Bright is the Managing Partner of OneWorld Consulting and has worked in Turkey for 15 of the last 21 years. OneWorld Consulting works with corporate clients at all stages of the executive talent lifecycle. The firm provides executive search, onboarding, coaching, mentoring, intercultural, outplacement and people advisory services.
“An integrated Coaching for Leadership Development programme at Sabanci Group”
For a number of years Sabanci Group has developed and implemented the SALT (SAbanci Leadership Team) programme to develop and monitor its senior leadership pipeline. This includes up to 150 executives across all parts of the business. These executives are followed and supported by the Sabanci Holding HR team, and different forms of coaching and mentoring have been key tools in developing these executives to perform more effectively in current and future roles.
In this presentation, Yesim Özlale, who heads this programme, will describe the SALT programme and the initial workshop and assessments that executives attend. She will also talk about the top management support for the programme and measurable goals that have been set in terms of assessing managers’ leadership styles and the organisational climate they create. She will show how these measures have been implemented and tracked effectively over the last five years.
This is an ongoing programme, and coaching and mentoring have been key tools in supporting executives who have been part of the programme. Individual executive coaching, cross-company mentoring programmes, in-company mentoring programmes, group coaching, peer coaching, and ‘sharing sessions’ have all been used over the last four years to support and challenge different executives in different ways, and to develop the organisational culture across the Sabanci Group. Yesim will describe the way different coaching initiatives have been used for different reasons and talk about the results achieved.
Tim Bright is one of the coaches who has worked on designing and implementing parts of this programme, and he will describe his perspective as an external consultant working on the programmes, and learnings and insights achieved as a result.
This workshop is targeted at HR professionals and business managers who are designing and developing leadership development programmes including coaching, and coaches and consultants who work with corporate partners in these programmes.
After the presentations there will be time for questions and discussions in groups.
The presentations will be in Turkish and English.