“Coaching in the Conceptual Age – From Human Resources to Human Capital”
“Team Coaching and Merck Sharp & Dohme Experience”
Gamze Bayraktaroglu, ACC Co-founder of Institute of Executive Coaching and Mentoring, Founder of Motiva International Training and Coaching Services
Studied Business Administration at Bogazici University, Mrs. Gamze Bayraktaroglu is an associated certified executive coach and trainer.
Oguzhan Bal, Merck Sharp and Dohme, Pharmacy Team Sales Manager
Graduated from Bogazici University, Mr. Oguzhan Bal spent his entire career at MSD by occupying positions like Sales Performance and Productivity Specialist, Regional Customer Manager and Business Service Manager.
* Richard Tredennick-Titchen, Senior Partner Challenge Ltd UK, Afiliate Association for Coaching, Member International Coach Federation, Lecturer in Executive Coaching Marmara University
Richard Tredennick-Titchen is an International Master Executive Coach, Mentor & Clinical Psychologist. He is a Reuters Foundation Visiting Professor of Management & Communications Studies to Cambridge University (UK), and Harvard Business School (USA). He holds Post Graduate Diploma’s in, “Cognitive Behavioral Coaching”, “Gestalt Executive Coaching”, ‘NLP’ & “Advanced Cognitive Psychotherapy (MSc)”.
Dr. Riza Kadilar, EMCC Turkey, Chairman
Location: Grand Hyatt, Taksim
Date: April 26th 2011
Time: 19.00 – 21.00
Presentations at a glance:
“Coaching in the Conceptual Age – From Human Resources to Human Capital” *
What can HR do to meet the challenges of the business world in the new Millenium? How can HR facilitate “innovation” programmes for all staff? How can HR demonstrate the ‘profit center’ value that HR adds? How does HR evaluate ‘enhanced productivity’ from developmental initiatives, staff trainings & recruitment programmes?
“Team Coaching and Merck Sharp & Dohme Experience”
The ways of using team coaching for establishing relationships based on trust triggering creativity among team members improving relations
* Presentation will be made in English
Coaching and mentoring are vastly expanding throughout the world of business. With this perspective, EMCC Turkey (European Mentoring and Coaching Council) established a platform to track down the latest developments in coaching and mentoring applications. The series of meetings aim to enrich the practice in Turkey and to allow the participants to gain a versatile perspective. We will be therefore delighted to see you among us at our meeting in which the experts of coaching and mentoring, senior executives and scholars share their views and experiences at first hand.